Free "Breaking a Spirit of Poverty" Course!

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FREE "Breaking A Spirit of Poverty" Course

Here’s What You Can Expect:

  • 5 simple “Action-Steps” you can take TODAY, that’ll allow you to take back control of your mind and finally break off a Spirit of Poverty. (Hint: See Video #1)
  • The “10 Oppressions” that have you stuck away from God’s best for you and a proven process to help you overcome them.
    (Hint: Oppression #9 is the one most people struggle with.)
  • How to leverage “Everyday Resources” to master the skills and mindset required to break a poverty mindset.
  • A “Simple Hack” that’ll help you manage your time better and keep you on track with your God-inspired goals.
  • The “Manifestation Ladder” shows you a step-by-step process of how you can EARN miracles.

BONUS!! “Faith in Action Assignment” specifically created to help build your spirit and kingdom mindset daily. 


What Other's Are Saying:

Christen Gates:

Christine Padilla:

Crystal Balerio:

Erica Carter:

Felix R Bobo:

Travis Glasgow:
